Anyone else feel like February has been the Longest.Month.Ever?? I am not saying it is a bad thing, but I feel like this month has been around forever! Usually the months fly by! I am happy March starts tomorrow, but I am glad that things have slowed down a bit. It has been a long time since I have been able to enjoy each month and not feel so rushed.
Moving on, today's post is long overdue....but I am happy to finally be getting around to it. I often see bloggers post their goals right around the New Year. Makes sense. I have decided to do the same. This way, I am accountable for my actions. And if I put that information out there....I am more motivated to get them accomplished. Most of the goals are specifically for me, however Dr. Bob and I also have some joint ones too. I will say that they were created as we were ringing in the New Year, I just haven't shared them until now.
Erin's 2012 Goals:
~ Get an organized book list in one location and get it fully "entered"
* I am happy to say that I took one night last week to finally do this. It took awhile but I feel so much better now. I actually decided to use one app that has turned out to be a wonderful thing. It is called GoodReads. The best part is, you can use it on a phone, tablet, or computer. I highly recommend it. And if you are on GoodReads, look me up!
~ Make homemade laundry detergent - I have wanted to try this for a few years now, so now it is officially on the goal list.
~ Make homemade hummus. I have only recently come to enjoy hummus. Now that I have, I want to try to make my own.
~ Improve my sewing skills. I bought a sewing machine a few months back and I have been slowly learning how to use it. My ultimate goal is to learn how to quilt.
~ Lose 20 pounds. Dr. Bob and I have joined a local gym and signed up for personal training sessions. We have been going to the gym about 5 times a week for the past 2 - 3 weeks. I haven't noticed a major weight loss but I know I am physically feeling better and stronger. The weight will come off soon.
~ Pay off my credit card. Enough said.
~ Walk 10 miles per week. This is something I want to eventually make a habit. Right now I am walking/jogging and average of 5-6 miles per week.
~ Run a 5K. March 11th is the big day. Physically I know I will be able to run half of it, and I am happy about that. I also plan to run a 5K on April 22nd - this is when I hope to run the entire distance and am able to cross this goal off my list.
~ Read 24 books (I have chosen 12 books to read individually and I will read 12 books through my book club).
Here is what I have read so far:
Individual Books Book Club Books
Jan: Your Money or Your Life (Joe Dominguez) Mockingjay (Suzanne Collins)
Feb: The Girl Who Played with Fire (Steig Larsson) Carnal Innocence (Nora Roberts)
Books I plan to read:
* The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (Steig Larsson)
* City of Veils (Zoe Ferraris) - personal choice but will be our April book for Book Club
* Noble Vision (Gen LaGreca) - given to me by a book club member
* Cutting for Stone (Abraham Verghese)
* The Dirty Life (Kristin Kimball)
* The Millionaire Next Door (Thomas J Stanley PhD & William D Danko PhD) - won off a blog, want to finally give it a go
* Review Patriot Games and then read Red Rabbit (Tom Clancy) - I am working through the whole Jack Ryan series
* Joy for Beginners (Erica Bauermeister)
* Change of Heart (Jodi Picoult)
* Folks, This Ain't Normal (Joel Salatin)
And if I don't reach my goal with this list, plus book club books - don't worry, I still have a "Want to read" list that keeps growing every day!
Now for our Joint Goals. Dr Bob and I hope to:
~ Learn to can food
~ Try a sweet new recipe per month
~ Try a savory new recipe per month
Jan: I can't remember :-O I will double check with Dr Bob and get back to you
Feb: Crock pot enchilada's (I need to find where Dr Bob got this recipe and then I will provide a link)
~ Explore Asheville, North Carolina
~ Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ Post 2 blog entries per month - doing good so far!
~ Try a new restaurant per month - we live in such a Foody area, it is actually impossible to only keep it to one per month.
Feb: Community Q BBQ, Front Page News, Cafe Sababa, and I went to the Melting Pot for the first time with some friends.
~ Try a new hike per month. We did not get to explore anywhere in January but we did try a new local path just last week so we met the goal in February.
Okay PHEW, that is a loooooooong list! Sorry about that. But now they are out there and we are being held accountable.