Wednesday, September 14, 2011

2 Reasons

There are 2 reasons why our apartment smells fan-bloody-tastic....

1 & 2
This is my homemade bread that I love to make. It is so yummy and delicious.

We try not to keep too much bread in the house but I can't help it with this. When I make it I will usually find ways to eat one loaf fresh (well at least before it goes bad that is) and then I slice the other one and pop it in the freezer to use as needed.

I got the recipe from The Frugal Girl (love her and almost every single one of her recipes!) You can find it here.

I make 2 slight modifications to the recipe. I like to use 1/2 white flour and 1/2 whole wheat flour (if I have it in the house) to make it a touch healthier. I also add 2 tablespoons of flax seed to give some extra fiber and healthy oils.

I am drooling just looking at this picture ;-)

The Frugal Girl does have a recipe for Whole Wheat Bread so if that tickle's your fancy you can find the recipe here.

Reader Question:
Have you made bread from scratch? If so, what recipe do you use??

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